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    Prudential Investment Managers

    Prudential Investment Managers

    December 2018

    Prudential People - Jeanne-Marie Snalam

    Article Summary

    Meet Jeanne-Marie Snalam, Portfolio Manager, Prudential Investment Managers

    Tell us why you enjoy your role at Prudential.

    I joined Prudential in mid-2016, initially as a property analyst. The part that I enjoy most is the team dynamic and opportunity to discuss all relevant factors affecting the property sector (and other sectors) with highly intelligent and enthusiastic people.

    A topic you’re passionate about (apart from investing)?

    I have many passions and interests, from masterful architectural and engineering structures and designs to new developments in the medical and pharmaceutical fields and everything in between, including art and cooking. I also have an enormous love of dogs! 

    A recent favourite read?

    I am currently reading “Skin in the Game” by Nassim Taleb. I enjoy his insights and strong opinions that are expressed in an entertaining and often very humorous manner. It is thought-provoking, relevant and funny, and makes for a great read.

    What’s your pet peeve?

    Politics and television. Politics on television is the absolute worst. 

    What was your first job, and what did you learn from it?

    I used to waitress a little during high school. I think it is important to pay extra attention to the way you treat waiters and to tip really well! 

    Which talent would you most like to have, and why?

    I would love to sing well enough to sing in my husband’s band without ruining their reputation!

    An ideal evening is…

    Dinner with my husband at any of our favourite local restaurants where we have our special table, with the meal prepared exactly to our liking. Weekends are very social, and a relaxed night out every now and then (no cooking and cleaning involved) is treasured.

    Tell us something about you that your colleagues don’t know.

    I don’t think that exists. I’m an open book – or maybe more like an audiobook – and tell them everything! I am very fond of my colleagues, and they make often very long work days very pleasurable. 

    What is your number-one bucket list activity?

    Having only one bucket list activity is too depressing and limiting, except if it is to travel. I have lost a few family members over the past year to various illnesses, and all said that they wished they’d travelled more. My gran is 95 years old and well-travelled, and she will still jump at any opportunity to explore the world. She gets grumpy when she is not invited along. 

    Where do you usually spend Saturday afternoons?

    Saturday afternoons almost always involve a great view, champagne and lots of laughter with my husband and friends. We believe in the more the merrier. When we do take a break from social activities, I will be painting or doing some pottery at home while he plays music in the studio.

    Who is your hero and why?

    The firefighters, paramedics and police who put their own lives at risk to help and protect everyone else. I have a deep respect for them.


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